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ecco-rail GmbH@transport logistic 2023 Munich


One of the sustainable companies that we will be taking with us on our trip to Munich is the private railway company ecco-rail GmbH. We are happy to introduce it to you:

The private railway company ecco-rail GmbH has been serving its customers since 2011. In 2014, the company even founded a branch in Germany. Since then, the railway company has grown steadily. Since 2021, ecco-rail has included 8 locations and a fleet of 43 locomotives, which are managed by a total of 250 employees. Furthermore, ecco-rail covers 6 million train kilometers a year with 7,000 trains and thus significantly supports the “go-green” strategy of many companies. This is also the case in Carinthia. Companies that want to shift their freight transport from road to rail can count on ecco-rail, which also is located in Carinthia.

These are already first exciting insights into the Austrian company based in Vienna. Would you like to find out more? Dear Munich – we interviewed the managing director Patrizia Langer exclusively for you. Look here:

Ms. Langer, you have been active and successful in the world of rail logistics for a long time. What fascinates you about the railway?

The railway is a means of transport that enables goods to be shifted from road to rail. Traveling by train is environmentally friendly and should be further promoted due to the climate aspects. I have 3 children and see my commitment as a small step towards influencing their future. The railway business is varied and brings with it new challenges every day.

If I am correct, you have been the managing director of ecco-rail GmbH based in Vienna since 2021. What are the particular strengths of your EVU?

March 2021, correct! In Austria we are concentrating on the Danube and Tauern axes. This allows us to create synergies so that we can still get the goods to their destination on time in the event of major challenges. We are strongly internationally oriented with foreign locations in Germany, the Netherlands and Hungary. That is why in Austria we are concentrating on the Danube and Tauern axis in order to connect Europe. Without the commitment of our employees, we would not be able to cushion the daily challenges such as construction sites, diversions, etc. in a customer-oriented manner. Our long-standing customers can also confirm this. Flexibility and quality are among ecco-rail’s greatest strengths.

How did you achieve growth and how do you deal with the inevitable changes caused by pandemics, war and climate change in day-to-day business?

We have achieved our growth through long-term customer contacts, flexibility and quality. Like any other company, we deal with the circumstances and the resulting challenges on a daily basis, as mentioned in the question. I suppose I’m not alone in saying that I wasn’t prepared for, or even remotely considered, these challenges in 2019. Of course, I was already able to experience the economic crisis in my professional life in 2007-2008. It was a volume slump that lasted about 3 months in my area of ​​responsibility at the time. After that, however, there was light at the end of the tunnel again.
War followed the pandemic. Who expects something like that? During the pandemic, we were able to cushion the decline in volume (automotive partly collapsed completely) with transports of diesel and oil. We were also able to reach good agreements with our partners, which helped us a lot economically. Our customers have also supported us in every way (special trains, etc.). After an approx. 1.5-month short-time work period, we brought all employees back to full operation. We can say that we survived the pandemic well. The war presented us with similar challenges, but we were also able to cushion this issue economically and were not forced to part with employees. On climate change in day-to-day business: we are partners in Klimaaktiv and regularly make our contributions.

You, too need well-trained specialists to keep the railway running – how do you find them with the current shortage of skilled workers?

This is a question that certainly occupies many companies. Since the pandemic, it has been very difficult to find skilled workers. For about a year we have been working with a company in Austria that places people over the age of 50 or long-term job seekers. This works very well. We have already taken on several people and trained them ourselves. We see this as a win for both sides.

Let’s get to the topic of “green logistics” and digital freight trains. It is an important building block of the EU strategy to bring freight transport from road to rail. What does the digital freight train enable technologically?

Green logistics is known to reduce waste, costs and CO2 emissions. With the “Green Deal”, the European Union wants to increase the share of freight transport by rail from currently around 18 percent to at least 30 percent by 2030. This requires extensive digitization and automation in rail freight transport.
Goods wagons are still on the road in analogue form as standard. We are talking about steel here, where neither electricity nor data lines are installed. Digital, automatic couplings, intelligent freight wagons, automated brake tests, etc. are more than necessary and necessary to be able to handle the growth in terms of safety. You have to consider that not much has changed in the past 130 years, even when it comes to vehicle technical investigations. An increase in rail traffic by almost 100% calls for digitization.
We are in constant contact with our locomotive hire companies, as well as with our wagon hire companies, and will of course incorporate any innovations in this area in our company.

As an energy supply company, where do you leave your ecological footprint?

A kilometer covered by a diesel truck is around 25 times more harmful to the climate than a kilometer by train. In 2022, we transported around 100,612 units through Austria by rail. That would be CO2 emissions on the road of around 595 kg / truck. It would have taken 4,879,682 trees to offset that amount of CO2.

Finally, what is the first thing you do when you walk into your office?

I say hello to our staff and ask if everything and everybody is ok.

Many thanks, Mrs. Patrizia Langer, for these very exciting and deep insights into your company. It shows very clearly and also illustrates very graphically what climate activity and sustainability mean and how we can also achieve the goal of the “Green Deal”: working together on innovative, climate-friendly solutions that make a modal shift feasible for companies.

For anyone who would like to find out more about the offers and services of ecco-rail GmbH, simply visit the EVU’s website at www.ecco-rail.at.

In addition, we cordially invite you all to visit us at our Carinthia-booth: Hall B5, booth no. 232. We look forward to your visit.