Zurück zur ÜbersichtLogistics Centre Austria South as part of the first federated information system for logistics data – FENIX LCA South is taking part in a gigantic CEF project since September 2019 (Connecting Europe Facility – a program of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) with over 70 participants, consisting of various logistics actors, but also public institutions and Representatives of science. The project, with a total budget of 60.6 million euros, is coordinated by ERTICO-ITS (European coordination organization for the introduction of telematics in transport systems and services in Europe).FENIX (A European Federated Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX) has set itself the task of supporting the development, validation and use of digital information systems along all TEN-T corridors. The end product of the project is to be a federated information system that is intended to serve European shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities and authorities by offering interoperability between existing and future platforms. This is to promote, among other things, horizontal cooperations and enable optimized routing and dynamic re-routing of goods. Ultimately, it should be possible to generate and evaluate real-time data streams.The Austrian side is paying particular attention to the results of the Smart logi project to date (http://smartlogi.eu/). A continuation and adaptation of the customs corridor is planned within FENIX. The cooperation along the Baltic-Adriatic corridor is to be strengthened, especially with regard to the heterogeneous IT landscape. As in the Smartlogi project, the close cooperation with the port of Trieste in the FENIX project comes to the fore. PreviousPrevious post:LCA@Moving Slovenia NextNext post:New ownership structure for LCA South!
LCA South is taking part in a gigantic CEF project since September 2019 (Connecting Europe Facility – a program of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency) with over 70 participants, consisting of various logistics actors, but also public institutions and Representatives of science. The project, with a total budget of 60.6 million euros, is coordinated by ERTICO-ITS (European coordination organization for the introduction of telematics in transport systems and services in Europe).FENIX (A European Federated Network of Information eXchange in LogistiX) has set itself the task of supporting the development, validation and use of digital information systems along all TEN-T corridors. The end product of the project is to be a federated information system that is intended to serve European shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities and authorities by offering interoperability between existing and future platforms. This is to promote, among other things, horizontal cooperations and enable optimized routing and dynamic re-routing of goods. Ultimately, it should be possible to generate and evaluate real-time data streams.The Austrian side is paying particular attention to the results of the Smart logi project to date (http://smartlogi.eu/). A continuation and adaptation of the customs corridor is planned within FENIX. The cooperation along the Baltic-Adriatic corridor is to be strengthened, especially with regard to the heterogeneous IT landscape. As in the Smartlogi project, the close cooperation with the port of Trieste in the FENIX project comes to the fore.